+90 533 132 83 79

Transparency Statement

In line with our values of transparency and integrity, MASAR HD will provide stakeholders and the public with information about our operations and programs.

Examples of information that MASAR HD shares openly include our legal status, purpose, and governance structure; descriptions of our programs and projects; organizational policies, financial and annual reports, strategic documents, memberships and accreditations, our strategic partners and main supporters, and case stories from our projects.

MASAR HD aims to increase accountability, transparency, openness, and participation by sharing this information. Additionally, where information is requested MASAR HD will endeavor to provide this information where it is deemed to be within the interest of stakeholders, partners, donors, supporters, media, and the general public.


How to request information:

The MASAR HD website contains a vast amount of information that you may wish to access.

If the requested information is not available on the website, you can contact MASAR HD to obtain the information using the contact details below.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +905331328379

Mail: MASAR For Humanitarian & Development (MASAR HD)

Each request should contain the information requested with dates and any other details as required.

The Compliance Coordinator will ensure that all requests for information are addressed in the appropriate manner. A request for information will be acknowledged within 5 business days and responded to within 20 business days. Where a request for information is denied, reasons will be provided.


Declining access:

Requests may be denied for various reasons including where requests are not made in good faith or are deemed to be vexatious. Information will not be provided where it may impact the security of our staff, privacy concerns, breach of confidentiality, or copyright limitations.

Where MASAR HD considers that the cost of disclosure, whether as a time cost or a monetary cost, would be disproportionate to the request, the request may be declined.



All MASAR HD information is published in Arabic or English; some policies have been translated into English or/and Arabic.


Historical information:

Information prior to the commencement of this policy may be considered however while MASAR HD will make reasonable efforts to deal with requests for this information, it is more likely that historic information will not be disclosed.


Appeals process:

An appeals process is available to the requester if they are not satisfied with the outcome of their request. This would be reviewed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).